A Review of “In Covid’s Wake”: According to Laptop Class Professors, the Heroes of the Pandemic Were Laptop Class Professors
The authors of the Great Barrington Declaration prevented fair and honest discussion by constantly spreading fake information. The authors of a new book don't care at all.

Beholden to Big Suppla, RFK Jr. Wants to Cover Up the Symptoms of Diseases With Untested, Toxic Chemicals & Drugs, Rather Than Prevent the Root Cause
Fortunately, there is a better way. Millions of parents have embraced a holistic approach, one that boosts the immune system by harnessing children's innate, natural ability to prevent illness.

The use of placebo controls in clinical trials
Why the value of placebo controls is not an affirmation of a powerful placebo effect

Vitamin A, Infections and Measles
I have always had a bias towards the Appeal to Nature Fallacy: An Appeal to Nature Fallacy happens when someone argues that something is good, better, or more authentic simply because it’s natural, while brushing aside anything man-made as inferior or harmful. Or last my version of it. I have always thought of the human body as more or less tuned by...

RFK Jr: Recruit Dr. Vinay Prasad to Run an RCT of the Routine Vaccine Schedule
I only feel comfortable suggesting an RCT of routine vaccines because I am confident it wouldn't get off the ground.

Islamic Medicine and the Biopolitics of Antiscience in Iran
When Islamic Medicine Kills the Ayatollah!

Vitamin A Does Not Treat or Prevent Measles
It didn’t take long for concerns about RFKs unscientific ideological approach to healthcare to manifest. We are in the middle of a measles outbreak – the exact kind of situation for which we need a strong federal response. The person in charge of that response, RFK Jr., is a notorious anti-vaccine crank who is not a scientist or healthcare expert, even though...
On TikTok, Everything Is a Poison or Superfood
We have to face the fact that social media is now the primary way that many people get their information. More than half of people in the US get their “news” from social media at least some of the time. But I don’t think asking people where they get “news” captures the full phenomenon. People who watch TikTok videos might not consider...